
How long will it take for my order to ship?

All orders are processed Monday-Friday, excluding weekends and major holidays.

United States - 5-8 Business Days

Rest of World - 6-16 Business Days

Once your order is shipped you will receive an email with your tracking information.

Where can I track my order?

You will receive an email when your order has been placed, containing your tracking ID.

What countries do you ship to?

United Arab Emirates, Austria, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Switzerland, Czechia, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Finland, France, United Kingdom, Hong Kong SAR, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, Singapore.

How much is shipping?

Shipping price will be determined at checkout.

Can I change my address after ordering?

Only if the order hasn't been shipped out yet, we can change the address for you.

Send us an email at

Return and Exchange

Can I return my order?

When you receive your package you have 10 days to return your parcel. When returning a product everything has to be in the condition it came in, otherwise we cannot refund the amount.

Send an email to for any further questions.

Can I exchange my size?

When your order has arrived you have 10 days to request a exchange. All returns are free and will provide you the shipping label.

A new product will be shipped once we have received your parcel.

How soon will I receive my refund?

As soon as your item has arrived to our warehouse, it will take 2-4 business days to receive your funds back.

What if my product came damaged?

If you received a damaged product please contact us at with your order information and a picture of the damage. So we can send you a new one.


Is it safe to use my credit card?

Our website ensures secure card transactions through top encryption, safeguarding your financial details from interception or misuse. Your safety is our priority.